Hughes Silver-Gold Property Drilling Program Updated

TORONTO - Summa Silver Corp.reported an update to the on-going drill program at the Hughes silver-gold project in Tonopah, NV. To date, ten holes have been completed and two are in progress with two core rigs in full operation. Approximately 5,200 m have been drilled in completed holes. All holes drilled to date have intersected zones of quartz veins, stockworks and breccias.

This is the First-Ever Drilling at the new Murray Target: This target is located on the western side of the property, where the claim boundary is within 300 m of Blackrock Gold's recently announced discovery in hole TW20-001 which intersected several zones of high-grade silver and gold mineralization. One hole is complete on the Murray Target and at least three additional holes are planned. The First Modern Exploration of the Belmont Mine: Seven holes have been completed at the Belmont Mine, all of which were widely spaced and targeted different veins. Between 1903 and 1929 the Belmont mine was a major American silver producer. Also the First-Ever Drilling at the Mizpah Extension Mine: Two holes have been completed at the Mizpah Extension Mine targeting up-dip and down-dip extensions of modeled veins that were only mined on a very small scale and had never been previously drilled. In addition, Follow-Up Drilling at the Ruby Target: One hole is in progress to test the area of hole ET-7, which is located 1.3 km east of the Belmont Mine and in 1989 is reported to have intersected silver and gold mineralization that has not since been pursued.

Galen McNamara, CEO, said, "This drill program represents the first modern, and indeed first ever, drilling on much of the prolific historically producing Hughes Property.  All holes drilled so far have intersected zones of quartz veins, stockworks and breccias. Due to high demand and related capacity limitations at the assay labs in Nevada, receipt of results has been slower than expected. Upon receipt of assays, the results will be compiled and reported in a timely manner."

Newly added to the drilling plan, one hole has been completed at the Murray target, one hole is in progress, and at least two more holes are planned. This target area is located approximately 1.5 km west of the Belmont Mine and consists of a series of moderately north dipping vein horizons both between and down-dip from mapped underground development on multiple levels.

Seven holes have been drilled in the vicinity of the Belmont Mine. Each hole targeted strike and/or dip extensions of known veins and were widely spaced. The stacked and steeply dipping orientation of veins in the mine area meant that many of the holes tested multiple targets along their planned lengths.

Two holes have been completed in the area of the Mizpah Extension Mine targeting up- and down-dip of historic mine workings, and interpreted intersections between steeply and shallowly dipping faults. Small scale mining was done in 1914 on only one level in the Mizpah Extension Mine approximately 300 m below surface and 350 m east of the Belmont Mine. No prior drilling is known to have been done in this area.

One hole is in progress at the Ruby target to follow-up on hole ET-7, which approximately 1,300 m east of the Belmont mine is reported to have intersected silver and gold mineralization. Of important note, ET-7 was drilled as a vertical hole. Three-dimensional modeling shows that the most prospective veins on the eastern portion of the property are steeply oriented or near vertical and therefore not appropriately tested with vertical drill holes.