Work Program At The Tule Canyon Project

VANCOUVER - Silver Range Resources Ltd. reported on the work program at Tule Canyon in Esmeralda County, Nevada. During late November 2022, a two-person crew conducted geological mapping, prospecting and sampling on the southern Roughrider Property and in nearby areas. They discovered significant gold and silver mineralization linking the southern portion of the Roughrider property with the Strongbox Property, over one kilometer to the east. Best assay results were 31.8 Au and 2,590 g/t Ag from grab samples collected from outcrops, shafts, adits and dumps. Assay results and structural mapping demonstrated continuity between the Strongbox and Roughrider Properties, which have been amalgamated by recent staking into the larger Tule Canyon Project.

The Tule Canyon Project is located in the Walker Lane in an area underlain by granodiorite of the Sylvania Pluton and cut by Miocene to recent NW striking strike-slip faults and N to NE trending extensional faults. Prospecting, mapping and geophysical surveys have located gold and silver mineralization in several generations of NNW-NE striking, steeply dipping veins and shears. Historical mining has focused on wider individual structures or where numerous smaller structures coalesce.