Permit Received To Drill Past-Producing Silverton Silver Mine Project

VANCOUVER - Silver Hammer Mining Corp. has received permits to drill its past-producing Silverton Silver Mine located 129 kilometers (km) northeast of the Tonopah silver district in Nevada. The drilling is part of an exploration program targeting extensions of the high-grade veins mined until the 1920s. This historic mine has seen only minimal modern exploration.

The United States Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has granted a drilling and surface disturbance exploration permit. The two-year permit, effective March 17, 2022, allows the Company up to 13 drill sites, 8,530 feet of drilling, 3,248 feet of constructed road and 200 feet of overland travel covering 2.35 acres of surface disturbance. The Company plans to test areas around the existing mine as well as recently staked areas after refining targets.

Morgan Lekstrom, President & Chief Executive Officer, said, "Our primary focus remains our flagship Silver Strand Project in Idaho; however, the first phases of field work at Silverton were very encouraging and securing a two-year permit now puts us in position to accelerate towards drilling once we’ve refined and finalized our targets. Earlier this year, our technical team staked additional 19 claims expanding the Silverton land package to 620 total acres. Obtaining an initial permit is just another milestone step towards testing the exploration upside that we believe remains here.”