Soil Sampling Program Completed On Miranda Project

VANCOUVER - Scotch Creek Ventures Inc. reported the completion of a soil sampling program on the 5,360-acre Miranda project located in Jackson Valley, Nevada. The program consisted of 69 sample points. The objective was to gather critical geological data to enhance the company's understanding of the project's mineralization potential.

"We commenced our initial surface exploration efforts with soil sampling. We concentrated our activities on the southern part of the property, where we encountered pale orange siltstones beneath a thin layer of gravel. During the survey, we identified salt-bearing zones at two distinct locations. These sites revealed well-developed, carbonate-rich silty claystone on the surface, yet the full extent of these salty zones remains obscured by the surrounding gravel cover,” said Robert D. Marvin, QP. "The presence of white salt crusts on the surface is highly promising, indicating the past existence of brine lake conditions on the Miranda project. Future surface exploration plans may include a shallow auger drilling program to sample the evaporite units hidden beneath the gravel cover, allowing us to delve deeper beyond the surface exposures."