Phase III Drill Program At The Selena Gold-Silver Project

VANCOUVER -  Ridgeline Minerals Corp. reported the completion of its Phase III reverse circulation (RC) drill program totaling 1,718 meters (m) across eight drill holes ranging from 75m to 350m drill depth at its Selena gold-silver project in Nevada. The program objective was to test two priority target areas with drill hole SE20-015 to SE20-018 testing the Juniper fault zone along strike of RC hole SE20-014, which returned 29.0m grading 0.38 g/t gold, 65.28 g/t silver in the Phase II drill program (see September 15, 2020 Press Release). Drill hole SE20-019 to SE20-022 tested multiple Gold-Arsenic-Antimony soils anomalies along the Tyrent fault, which is located approximately 500m to the west of the Juniper fault. All drill samples have been submitted to the lab for analysis with results to be released as they are received. Selena is in White Pine County Nevada, approximately 64 kilometers (km) north of the town of Ely, NV, and 12 km southeast of the Kinross owned and operated Bald Mountain Gold Mine. The 100% owned property is comprised of 33 square kilometers of highly prospective ground and had seen limited exploration activity over the past twenty year prior to being acquired by Ridgeline in 2019.

All samples are submitted to Paragon Geochemical Assay Laboratories (PAL) of Sparks, NV, which is a certified and accredited laboratory, independent of the Company. Samples are run through standard prep methods and analyzed using AU-OES30 (Au; 30g fire assay AQR digest/ICP+10ppb Hg by MS) and 35AR-OESm (35 element Suite; 0.5g AQR digestion/ICP-MS; 10ppb Hg) methods. PAL also undertakes its own internal coarse and pulp duplicate analysis to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration. Ridgeline's QA/QC program includes regular insertion of CRM standards, duplicates, and blanks into the sample stream with a stringent review of all results completed by the Company's QP, Michael T. Harp, Vice President, Exploration.