Three High-Grade Structures Added To Medicine Springs CRD System

VANCOUVER - Reyna Silver Corp. reported high-grade intercepts in 3 out of 4 holes in the 1,335 metre 2023 Drilling Campaign at its 6,561 hectare Medicine Springs Project in Elko County, Nevada. Combined with the results from the 2022 drilling prograve, strong silver and zinc mineralization has been found in 7 out of 9 sub-parallel structures cutting through an area 660 m wide and 1.75 km long. All the structures show multiple stages of high-grade mineralization surrounded by wide zones of dispersed mineralization. The structures continue in both directions well beyond the initial drilling area and many additional structures along and adjacent to the corridor remain to be tested.

Importantly, a Magneto-Telluric (MT) geophysical survey and detailed structural analysis were also completed, along with the combined results indicate that the mineralized corridor trends towards an anomaly that coincides with the strongest copper values encountered to date. This may indicate the location of the system's intrusive center where mineralization is potentially extensive. These results reinforce Medicine Springs as a prime candidate for a large-scale, well-mineralized CRD System and the technical team is incorporating all these new results into a refined district model for drilling next season.

“Medicine Springs continues to display its potential for the kind of large, high-grade deposit that generates significant market value," said Jorge Ramiro Monroy, CEO and President. "We hope to duplicate the success of our district reappraisal at Batopilas by combining the new geophysics and this summer's detailed structural study with the 75% high-grade hit rate we're hitting in nearly every structure to move us towards a major discovery."