Developing To Commence At The Dakouli 2 Gold Project

VANCOUVER – Nexus Gold Corp. announced plans to return to the Dakouli 2 Gold Project, located in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The Dakouli 2 property is a 9,800-ha gold project with several established zones of mineralization.  Gold is situated from near surface to 200m depth, with the majority of the significant drill intercepts in the 100-meter range.  The Company recently paid taxes on the property and intends to raise sufficient capital in the near term to begin multiple follow-up work programs during the remainder of the 2024 calendar year.

“Dakouli has proven to be a highly prospective gold target”, said Milad Zareian, CEO.  “With gold showing strong gains now is the time for Nexus to get back to developing what is a superb exploration project.  West Africa holds some the planet’s most prolific gold endowments, and Dakouli is located on the one of the more prolific greenstone belts.  We’re excited about gold’s recent rise and we believe now is the perfect time to ramp up our operations in West Africa.”