Geophysical Survey Resumes At Kinsley Mountain Gold Project 

VANCOUVER - New Placer Dome Gold Corp. announced the resumption of the diamond drilling and the completion of induced polarization (IP)/resistivity geophysical survey at the Bolo Gold-Silver Project in Nye County, Nevada. Geophysical crews have been re-tasked to the Company's flagship Kinsley Mountain Gold Project in Elko County, Nevada, to complete the remaining IP/resistivity surveys in the underexplored Kinsley North Range area of the Kinsley Mountain Project.

During late 2021, a total of 260 meters (853 feet) of core was drilled in hole BL21-01 at the South Mine Fault Zone, the first ever diamond core hole drilled at Bolo. Semi-quantitative hand-held portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of the drill core indicates the presence of anomalous gold pathfinder elements, including elevated arsenic and antimony values. These values are associated with visually observed oxidation, decalcification, and silica alteration, coincident with the interpreted depth projection of the gold zone.The Company plans to complete the remainder of its 6 initial high-priority diamond drill holes at Bolo during Q1 of 2022, totaling approximately 1,700 m. The planned drill holes will target the Mine Fault and other mineralized structures associated with the South Mine Fault, Uncle Sam, and Northern Extension mineralized gold zones.

Max Sali, CEO and Founder, said, "We are encouraged by the initial observations and data collected from the first diamond core drilling program completed at Bolo. The Company looks forward to receiving laboratory analytical results from the first, and subsequent drill holes in the coming months. We are also pleased to resume geophysical surveys at Kinsley Mountain after completing a successful IP/resistivity program at Bolo in December."

Gold mineralization at Bolo exhibits characteristics of classic Carlin-type (CT) mineralization, including strong structural control and evidence of gold mineralization that extends laterally within favorable silty carbonate stratigraphic units. The 2021-2022 Bolo diamond drilling program is utilizing oriented core measurements that will yield valuable structural and stratigraphic data to assist the development of a 3D geological model for the South Mine Fault Zone and reveal detailed structural and stratigraphic controls on mineralization.

Geophysical crews have been re-tasked to Kinsley Mountain to resume IP/resistivity surveys in the Kinsley North Range area ( see New Placer Dome news releases dated July 20, 2021, October 7, 2021, and November 22, 2021 ). A total of 37.5 line-km, over 10 lines were completed during 2021. That first phase of IP/resistivity surveys both infilled between the 2020 Shale Saddle and Western Flank Zone grids and extended it. A single line was completed in the underexplored Kinsley North Range in 2021, with an additional 39 line-km planned.