High Priority Untested Exploration Targets Identified North Of South Mine Fault Zone

VANCOUVER - New Placer Dome Gold Corp. and Copuar Minerals reported on the recently completed 14.4 line-kilometer induced polarization (IP) / resistivity geophysical survey completed during Q4 of 2021 at the Bolo Gold-Silver Project in Nye County, Nevada. IP/resistivity surveys in conjunction with existing grid rock sampling and geological mapping have defined high priority untested

2021 IP/resistivity surveys expand coverage 1 km north of the 2019 survey limits to test underexplored northern extensions of the prospective Mine Fault and East Fault targets. Inverted chargeability and resistivity data highlight the boundaries of a 1,000-meter x 500-meter outlier of Windfall Formation rocks that occurs within the East Fault target area. Windfall rocks are cut but fault controlled jasperoid units and coincident arsenic (As), barium (Ba) and antimony (Sb) pathfinder element anomalies within surface grid rock samples. The results highlight the prospective East Fault that hosts an outlier of the Windfall Formation, which is the primary host for gold mineralization at the South Mine Fault Zone that has yet to be drill tested.

Max Sali, CEO and Founder, said, "We are excited to expand our focus to areas beyond the South Mine Fault Zone and Uncle Sam prospect. The favorable geology, structure, and pathfinder element anomalies highlighted in the East Fault area provide a compelling exploration target worthy of significant follow-up work, including future drilling. This is further underpinned by the results of the 2021 IP/resistivity surveys that provide evidence of favorable geology and potentially mineralized fault structures extending to depth."

A sharp resistivity gradient associated with depressed chargeability values defines the eastern fault boundary of the Windfall Formation in the East Fault area. A significant chargeability contrast marks the fault boundary with younger shaley units to the west. Significantly, chargeability inversions define an internal fault structure within the mapped Windfall Formation, associated with fault-related jasperoids and anomalous As, Ba, and Sb pathfinder values. The geophysical data suggest there may be considerable vertical offset along the structure within areas of the Windfall Formation.

The East Fault target area Windfall Formation is largely underexplored and untested by drilling. An internal fault structure defined by chargeability inversions and associated with jasperoid and elevated pathfinder values within Windfall Formation rocks represents a compelling, high-priority exploration target. The Company plans to follow up with additional prospecting and rock sampling grids in the northern areas of the Bolo Project to further refine targets prior to drilling.

Five IP/resistivity lines were completed during Q4 of 2021 at the Bolo Gold-Silver Project. The lines are spaced 200 meters apart, with line lengths of approximately 2900 meters. Data were collected using the Direct Current Resistivity, Induced Polarization ("DCIP") method, on a 16-channel pole-dipole array with a dipole size (a-spacing) of 100 meters. A GDD GRx16 receiver and GDD 5000W-2400V-20A IP Tx model Tx4 transmitter was used. Raw data were loaded into GDD IP Post-Process software and Geosoft Oasis Montaj software for quality control and review. The reviewed data were used to produce pseudo section plots of apparent resistivity and apparent chargeability and were the input for the inversion. Inversions were completed using the UBC-GIF DCIP2D inversion codes. Each line of data was inverted independently. The resistivity and IP inversion is a two-step process. The resistivity inversion is run first, and this model is used in the chargeability inversion. Multiple inversions were completed for quality control.