Update On Exploration At The Tenoriba Gold Property

TORONTO - Mammoth Resources Corp.has received notification from Minera Centerra S.A. de C.V., the subsidiary company of Centerra Gold Inc., with which Mammoth signed an option agreement to explore Mammoth's 100% owned Tenoriba gold-silver exploration project located in southwestern Chihuahua State, Mexico, that Centerra has made the decision to cease exploration activities in Mexico, including at Tenoriba. Mammoth was informed of Centerra's decision to cease exploration activities, Centerra expressed their enthusiasm for drilling the Tenoriba project. Furthermore, in the notice letter to Mammoth advising of this decision Centerra noted that the decision to cease exploration was "no reflection upon any of the exploration properties it was involved in, including the Tenoriba property". In mid-August Centerra filed an application for permission to drill up to 139 drill locations at Tenoriba and a response/approval of this permit application is expected within weeks. \

Thomas Atkins, President and CEO of Mammoth, said, "Mammoth receiving notice that Centerra was ceasing its activities at Tenoriba came as quite a surprise, especially so close to when we believed they would receive approval of their drill permit application and after making numerous preparations to begin drilling, including having had two drill contractors prepare to bid on the program. Mammoth has reviewed more than 30 exploration properties over the past six months looking for an opportunity to option a property where it could advance its own exploration efforts. Now, in addition to Mammoth continuing this search, Tenoriba is returning to the Company as a large, previously drilled gold-silver exploration property that has undergone the scrutiny of a senior company review leading to preparations for the commencement of a significant drill program."