Phase 3 Metallurgical Column Testing At Black Pine Oxide Gold Deposit

VANCOUVER - Liberty Gold Corp. reported on the Phase 3 variability composite metallurgical column testing from large-diameter (PQ) drill core at its Black Pine Oxide Gold Project in southeastern Idaho. The objective of the Phase 3 metallurgical program was to expand the geographical and ore type distribution of Phase 1 and Phase 2 column testing which included six surface bulk samples and 29 variability composites.

Phase 3 testing included 45 new variability composites testing the full range of rock types, gold (Au) grades and ore types encountered across Black Pine. Aggregate results support a simple, low capital, low operating cost, Run-of-Mine (ROM) heap leach processing route for Black Pine ores. Gold extractions are consistent with previous metallurgical programs, with >80% of the leachable gold extracted within 10 days and final column leach gold extractions ranging up to 94.8%: 1) Phase 1 bulk sample column test results: 78.9% weighted average gold extraction, ranging up to 92.8%. 2) Phase 2 variability composite column tests: 82.1% weighted average gold extraction, ranging up to 94.5%; 3) Historical column tests from bulk samples and drill core composites: 80.8% weighted average gold extraction.

Gary Simmons, Independent Consulting Metallurgist, said, “Data from metallurgical testing to date at Black Pine continues to indicate rapid leaching and relatively high gold extractions from these gold oxide ores, with a consistent insensitivity to particle size and a predictable grade-recovery relationship. In Phase 3 a wider range of material types were tested and 38 of 39 tested composites passed load permeability testing at 100-meter heap height. Internal development of clay and rock models indicate that a smaller portion of the resource may require in-pit or top-of heap blending, eliminating the need for a Crush/Agglomeration flowsheet component, and supporting simple Run-of-Mine leaching at Black Pine.”

Jon Gilligan, Chief Operating Officer, said, “The consistent nature of the metallurgical results to date at Black Pine is very encouraging and points to a simple ROM operation. We are progressing the next phases of test work to confirm gold recoveries at lower operating cut-off grades and to expand our sampling coverage into the new Rangefront D-4 discovery area. These will provide us with an extensive metallurgical database across the deposit, which could support a feasibility-level evaluation at Black Pine.”