Approval For New Leach Pad At Johnson Camp Mine

PHOENIX, AZ - Excelsior Mining Corp. has received approval from Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) for a new leach pad at its Johnson Camp Mine (JCM) facility. The Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) for Johnson Camp has been amended to include the construction and operation of a heap leach pad to produce copper from the legacy open pits at Johnson Camp in Cochise County, Arizona.

"Excelsior appreciates the groundwater protection team at ADEQ for their dedication to the protection of Arizona's groundwater and their guidance through the process. The amended APP is a key piece for Excelsior to continue developing its JCM project after the successful drilling program of 2022. The permit approval is also welcomed in the context of the recently announced collaboration with an industry leader in the emerging sulfide heap leach technology. We are excited for the potential that Johnson Camp brings to Excelsior to complement our growing mining camp in Southern Arizona, one of the best jurisdictions in the world for mining the critical materials required for our ever-changing world," said, Robert Winton, SVP Operations.