Option To Move To Stage One At Cornerstone’s Miocene Gold-Copper Project

OTTAWA - Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. reported that Newcrest International Pty Limited , a subsidiary of Newcrest Mining Limited, having completed its initial minimum work commitment of US$1.1 million at the Miocene gold-copper project in Chile has elected to exercise its option to advance to Stage 1 under the Farm-in Agreement.

The Miocene project is located in the Regions of Atacama and Antofagasta of northern Chile, and is targeting epithermal gold-silver and porphyry gold-copper deposits along the interpreted northern extension of the Maricunga magmatic belt which hosts several world-class gold deposits. The Miocene claims were selected using a proprietary data base licensed exclusively to Cornerstone, and offer excellent potential for discovery. Significant epithermal mineralization has been discovered on neighboring properties along strike to the west of the Miocene property.

Exploration work carried out by Cornerstone previous to the agreement with Newcrest has consisted largely of geochemistry work (both soil and rock sampling), a ground magnetic survey, prospecting, geological mapping and spectrometry work to define and prioritize exploration targets to be drill-tested. Geology work shows two sub-parallel NW-SE oriented altered / anomalous regional trends affecting the volcanic units. Alteration minerals (native sulphur, alunite, vuggy and massive silica and some silica-clay in the peripheral parts) and 3D distribution patterns along this trend are typical of high sulphidation epithermal systems. Altered and geochemically anomalous areas up to 9km by 3km in size have never been trenched nor drill tested.