80 kg Quartz Sample From Harrison Gold Project Submitted For Metallic Screen Gold Assays

VANCOUVER - Bayhorse Silver Inc. has submitted an 80 kg quartz sample from the mined RN Zone at the Harrison Gold Project, Harrison, BC for metallic screen gold assays. The samples from the RN zone workings, that lies 450 meters SW of the Jenner workings, where recent gold grades as high as 414.2 g/t were reported. The samples were taken from the gold-bearing quartz veins from the drifts and stopes of the RN underground workings that were mined by A&M Exploration between 1972 - 1980. Mineralization at Harrison consists of free milling gold, with 0.2 to 2.0 mm sized grains, within quartz veins ranging from less than a cm to several tens of cm in width.

The objective of the metallurgical work and metallic screen assays is to confirm the gravity recoverable gold (GRG) test results reported by Bear Mountain Gold Mines (BMGM) from the RN Zone. Their sampling responded well to gravity concentration for a recovery of 90.7% with a final concentrate grade of 1,088 g/t Au from a calculated head grade of 43.2 g/t Au. (BMGM, 2020).

The mineralized zones that have been identified at the Harrison Gold Project have tentatively been identified as parts of a Reduced Intrusive Related Gold System (RIRGS). Historical reports indicate that a total of 642.82 tonnes (708.58 tons) of mined material was shipped from the RN Zone containing 30,443 grams of gold (978.89 ounces), and 616 kilograms of copper.

According to historical records the historic drill hole and mine muck samples were analyzed by standard fire assay techniques and no systematic metallic screening assay procedures were conducted. Preliminary sampling by BMGM and Bayhorse has determined that standard fire assay techniques under report gold content of samples by 19 to 40%. Norman, 1989, also noted that historic bulk sampling from the Jenner underground workings showed that reported drill hole grades may under report gold contents by as much as 40%.