Deep Core Advances Porphyry Concept At Majuba Hill Nevada Project

VANCOUVER - Bam Bam Resources Corp. reported that core logging, sawing, and sampling for the Phase 2 deep sulfide program at the Majuba Hill Project in Pershing County, Nevada, is in progress and 2591 feet (790 meters) have been submitted to ALS for analysis. The remaining 2329 feet (709.6 meters) is expected to be submitted by years' end. On-site, "quick-logging" was very encouraging and native copper was observed in the oxide zone intersected in hole MHB-9.

Detailed logging of the sulfide zones intersected below the oxide in MHB-7 and 8, found up to 40% sulfides in intervals comprised of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and arsenopyrite. In MHB-8 phyllic alteration has variable amounts sericite and silica in intervals ranging from 80 to 400 feet (24.4-122 meters). The dominant sulfide through these intervals includes pyrite, and/or pyrrhotite and/or chalcopyrite. Calcite veining (+/- sericite, +/- gypsum/anhydrite) appears to be a late stage event. It occurs as veins and stockwork-veins. Several zones have chalcopyrite selvages. Intense silicification is prominent below 1200 feet (365.8 meters) with extensive multi-stage, quartz/tourmaline sulfide veins and stockwork.

MHB-8 was sited to test a high-chargeability anomaly identified from the historic 2007 IP-Resistivity survey carried out by Zonge International. Work completed by BBR prior to drilling, added additional in-fill lines using the same 300 meter dipole-dipole spacing. Sulfides were intersected at approximately 500 feet (152.4 meters) in hole MHB-8 and correlated very well with the high-sulfide chargeability zone interpreted from the IP data. The IP section for line 1 (2007) is rotated into the plane of the image. Due to drilling logistics MHB-8 was cut off at 1473 feet. The hole did not completely penetrate the IP chargeability high.

MHB-7: 849.5 feet (258 meters) Molybdenum selvages on quartz/tourmaline vein.

In addition to the widespread occurrence of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and arsenopyrite as disseminations, stockworks, and cross-cutting veins, a quartz/tourmaline/molybdenum vein event has been observed in the core. Although it does not have the widespread distribution noted for the main sulfide types, the consistent presence in holes MHB-7 and MHB-9 plus the proximity to chalcopyrite in MHB-7 is very encouraging for the porphyry potential of the Majuba Hill Project.

David Greenway, President and CEO, said, "I am looking forward to getting the assay results from the deep core drilling. When all the results are in from the 2020 drilling we expect a solid maiden resource from the new NI43-101 report."